Below are details regarding the federal loan program that was recently announced. Before reaching out for information on a federal loan, businesses are encouraged to visit with their local bank. 

The contact info for the Casper SBDC office is:
Cindy Unger – 234-6683 –
Steen Stovall – 234-6685 –
*The Wyoming SBDC team is now working virtually.

Documents & Links Relating to COVID19


 We are regularly updating our FACEBOOK PAGE with news from area businesses. Please follow along as we strive to overcome the current challenges as a community.

The Legislative Service Office put together a very thorough resource sheet that many may find help. COVID-19 State and Federal Resources 4.1.2020.

Statewide Public Health Order #3 • 3.25.2020 

Converse County Exemption Application • 3.20.2020
* this form applies to public health orders #1 and #2

Statewide Public Health Order on Gatherings • 3.20.2020

Statewide Public Health Order on Restaurants, Gyms, etc. • 3.19.2020  

Wyoming Department of Health

State of Wyoming

Food Resources for those in need